
Our Courses Overview

A Commitment to Excellence

The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced  course that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.

Whether it is our books or hands-on training, we make sure each student gets personal attention to cope up and flourish in every subject for better scores and a brighter future.



The courses consist of numerous MoLHR approved long-term National Certificate Level (NC) and short-term courses to cater to the needs of interested individuals/clients. The institute currently offers the following program:

Fashion Design (12 Months)

Fashion Design course is to teach the qualities and skills necessary to become a fashion designer. The trainees will learn about the many related career opportunities available besides that of fashion design and gain insight into modern fashion business. A fashion career is incorporation of artist and business, colour, pattern making and illustration are all part of skills a fashion designer needs to learn and as well as many core related principles to understand the many facets of the fashion business. This course is ideal for candidates, seamstresses and anyone interested in the fashion business and design quality. As fashion designer the trainees will gain knowledge about a budget clothing and performing research, applying knowledge of fabric, coordinating colour and texture, and monitoring quality and fit. This course will provides lots of different information about the fashion world to help you better understand the importance of learning about fabrics, prints and other technical aspects of fashion in order to jump-start your fashion career.

Western Garment Tailoring NC2 (9 months)

This course will impart knowledge, skills and attitude in western garment tailoring with competencies to draft patterns, take measurements, cut fabric, stitch and finish every type of western garment. The training is designed to be able to stitch western garments as well as make specification sheet about the product and carry out the costing and pricing. The graduates will be able to start their own business and grow as entrepreneurs. This course is designed especially keeping in mind Bhutan’s dearth of western garment tailors and therefore to make our youths independent and contribute to the socio economic development of Bhutan.

Western Garment Tailoring NC3 (9 months)

This course on western garment tailoring NC3 is designed to offer knowledge, skills and attitude with higher level of sophistication and creativity. Upon completion of this course, the trainees will be able to construct gowns; dresses and jackets. This course is designed especially keeping in mind Bhutan’s dearth of western garment tailors and therefore to make our youths competent and contribute to the socio economic development of Bhutan.

Tailoring NC2 & NC3

This course is for 6 months duration which covers wongju, Tego, Kira (full & Half), Gho, Choeyze. The course impart knowledge and skills in traditional garment tailoring to prepare an individual to perform stitches and finishing of any types of traditional garment with emphasis on Bhutanese fabric and textiles. The course is based on the approved curriculum by MoLHR.

Textile designing (9 months)

The course will impart knowledge and skills in textile designing to make an individual able to explain about the textile development process and designing methods with an emphasis on Bhutanese textiles. The learner will not only stick to textile but also learn the preparation of textile raw materials until finishing of the textile. The course is structured in such a way that learning takes place in logical manner and learns different aspects of textile designing. It is designed so that it equips the learner in terms of testing and dyeing of textile yarns, rendering of different textiles, textiles development methods and sewing of textiles.

Tailoring- Garments for Monks/Nuns (6 months)

The course will impart knowledge and skills in textile designing to make an individual able to explain about the textile development process and designing methods with an emphasis on Bhutanese textiles. The learner will not only stick to textile but also learn the preparation of textile raw materials until finishing of the textile. The course is structured in such a way that learning takes place in logical manner and learns different aspects of textile designing. It is designed so that it equips the learner in terms of testing and dyeing of textile yarns, rendering of different textiles, textiles development methods and sewing of textiles.

Souvenir design and development (6 months)

This course will impart knowledge, skills and attitude in souvenir designing and development with the competencies to draft patterns and stitch souvenir bags and also design and produce home decors along with paper crafts. The training is designed to be able to design and develop solely the souvenir items that are globally practiced in such a way the graduates will be able to start their own business and grow as entrepreneurs. This course is designed especially to increase the number of certified souvenir designers and therefore make our youths skilled and independent.