Fashion Institute of Technology

This is where we teach trainees skills they need to transform themselves, others, and our global communities.

In pursuit of transforming community with quality driven FIT

The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) was established on 4th June 2018 and it is the first of its kind in Bhutan. It is registered under Ministry of Labor and Human Resources (MoLHR). The institute aim to bolster the fiber, fabrics and fashion industry in Bhutan and aspires to boasts the potential of bringing unique perspective to the international fashion through our own fabrics and designs.

The institute is adequately equipped with the required training facilities to provide the state-of-the-art professional training, so that the graduates are independent and capable of finding new opportunities to take on the fashion industry as an entrepreneurs, qualified professionals, innovators, brand managers, and producers.

We are an early learning academy focused on socio-economic development and early literacy and numeracy. Our students walk out with the character and confidence to make their mark in the world, equipped with the knowledge and real-world skills that take them way ahead in the industry they may serve.

Fashion Institute of Technology at a Glance
Current Enrollments
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Qualified Staff
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We aim at inspiring our trainees to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.

Sangay Choden — CEO

Courses Overview

The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) aims at offering all our trainees a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.

The courses consist of numerous MoLHR approved long-term National Certificate Level (NC) and short-term courses to cater to the needs of interested individuals/clients. The institute currently offers the following program:

Fashion Design

Fashion Design course is to teach the qualities and skills necessary to become a fashion designer. The trainees will learn about the many related career opportunities available besides that of fashion design and gain insight into modern fashion business.

Western Garment Tailoring NC2

The training is designed to be able to stitch western garments as well as make specification sheet about the product and carry out the costing and pricing. The graduates will be able to start their own business and grow as entrepreneurs.

Western Garment Tailoring NC3

This course on western garment tailoring NC3 is designed to offer knowledge, skills and attitude with higher level of sophistication and creativity. Upon completion of this course, the trainees will be able to construct gowns; dresses and jackets.

Tailoring NC2 & NC3

The course impart knowledge and skills in traditional garment tailoring to prepare an individual to perform stitches and finishing of any types of traditional garment with emphasis on Bhutanese fabric and textiles. The course is based on the approved curriculum by MoLHR.

Textile designing

The course will impart knowledge and skills in textile designing to make an individual able to explain about the textile development process and designing methods with an emphasis on Bhutanese textiles.

Tailoring- Garments for Monks/Nuns

The training is designed to be able to construct solely the garments for monks as well as nuns and the graduates will be able to start their own business and grow as entrepreneurs.

Souvenir design and development

The training is designed to be able to design and develop solely the souvenir items that are globally practiced in such a way the graduates will be able to start their own business and grow as entrepreneurs. This course is designed especially to increase the number of certified souvenir designers and therefore make our youths skilled and independent.

Customize Tailoring Courses

Short courses can be designed as per the need of the client/stakeholder depending on the target group.